Resource Page: Commemoration Books


Commemorations for the living and departed are offered for the Proskomedia, the first part of the Liturgy.


During this time small particles are taken from prosphoras for each of the names listed, later on these particles are put into the Chalice containing the Blood of Christ as a prayer for those commemorated.


Some notes for Commemoration slips that go into the Altar to be read:


  • Commemoration lists should be offered before the beginning of the Liturgy. They can be submitted at the previous night's Vigil service.
  • Please ensure that the names are written legibly.
  • Write the patron saint for the person being prayed for (where applicable).



Printed Commemoration slips are available for use at HAOC.


Below is a link to a talk from Fr Gabriel Makarov on the 'Proskomedia', this talk was given at the Syezd Youth Conference in 2021.


Watch the talk here.

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Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church
Woolloongabba, Brisbane
Queensland, Australia

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