About Orthodox ChristianityAbout
Orthodox Christianity

We are an Orthodox Christian congregation living the ancient, biblical faith of the New Testament Church; a part of the same Church that was founded by Christ, preached by His apostles, and carried on by their successors, through the centuries, to us today.


The faith we live is the faith of the New Testament Church, devoting ourselves “to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers” (Acts 2:42), just as the historic New Testament Church was devoted to these. We believe that Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, sent to die for our sins, raise us to eternal life and unite us with His Father in heaven. We believe that knowing about God is not enough – rather, we need a relationship with Him. We believe that sacraments are not just symbolic, but the communication of God’s love to us. In short, we believe that our Church is the present day experience of New Testament Christianity.


There is a lot to Orthodox Christianity – much more than can be adequately dealt with in a single page. However, we have put together some resources that can help.



Online Books

Firstly, there are books which have been placed online (and are free of charge).

  • The Orthodox Faith is a series of four books – on Doctrine & Scripture, on Worship, on Church History, and on Spirituality – which give an accurate description of the life of the Orthodox Church as it is believed and practiced today. It was written by Fr Thomas Hopko, Dean of St Vladimir’s Seminary in New York (1992-2002).
  • These Things We Hold is a book written by a Monk of St Tikhon’s Monastery in Pennsylvania, and which contains a number of articles on Church History, Feasts of the Church, Dogma and Doctrine, Icons, Monasticism, Prayer, Scripture, Symbolism, Worship, the Church Building and its Servers, and Sacraments.



Online Videos

Secondly, we have been able to curate educational videos on Orthodoxy.



Our Catechism Course

For those who are inquiring into Orthodoxy, we offer our catechism course, 'Entering the Kingdom', which is designed to prepare people to become part of the Orthodox Church. 

More information, including details to register, is available on the Catechism Course page



Resources in other languages

For the pastoral care of our parishioners who are native speakers of other languages, we offer the following:


Parish Schedule

Bible Study




- BSB: 114-879
- Account: 472595719
- Name: HAOC General Account

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Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church
Woolloongabba, Brisbane
Queensland, Australia

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