HAOC Parish Ministries

Our parish is structured so that our parishioners can best offer their time and abilities in the service of God.


 — LiturgicsLiturgical Auxiliary
 — EducationEducational Resources
 — OperationsGovernanceFinance — 
 — Community FacilitationExternal Relations


Each of these ministries is under the guidance of our parish priest, Fr Andrew.


Parish Choir of Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane

Altar Servers at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane


Liturgical Ministries


Altar Service.
At each service, our clergy are assisted in their work by those who serve at the Altar.



Our choir, headed by Tristan, has the crucial role of leading the congregation's worship during liturgical services.



Liturgical Auxiliary


Flowers and Liturgical Decorations.
Our Great Feasts find our church beautified by flower arrangements.  These ministries of beautification are led by Vera.


Vestments Ministry of Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane

The bread that we use in our services is produced by our parishioners, which in turn is co-ordinated by Kristin.


Part of beautifying our church for services includes vestments for each of the liturgical colours of the year, which is led by Vera.


In addition to the generosity of our parishioners, we also have several fundraising initiatives throughout the year, with proceeds going towards the work of our parish.


Catechism at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane

Sunday School at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane


Educational Ministries


Using an innovative pedagogical framework to support a thorough grounding in living as an Orthodox Christian in 21st Century Brisbane, Fr Andrew teaches the Orthodox Faith to inquirers, catechumens, and all those who are interested in learning more about the Church that Jesus founded. 


For further information, please see the Catechism section of our website.


Faith Education.
Fr Andrew and Fr Stephen work together to deliver talks, as needed, that are designed for the needs of the faithful.


Sunday School.
Our Sunday School runs weekly during the school year, and is led by Fr Stephen.


For further information, please see the Sunday School section of our website.



Parish Bookstore of Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane

Educational Resources

Parish Bookstore.
Our Bookstore is currently in abeyance during our Renovations.  It is managed by Subdeacon John & Mat. Sarah, and we look forward to it being available to browse and purchase around services and by appointment.


Parish Library.
Our Library is currently in abeyance.  We look forward to its restoration, under the supervision of Subdeacon John.





Candle Desk.
A group of people serve to welcome people to our parish, ensuring that all is in order when welcoming parishioners.


Each week, a handful of teams clean the church on a rotational basis.


Maintenance and Gardens.
Repairs and maintenance of our parish facilities, and the external beautification of our church, is under the care of our Warden.


Welcoming Team.
Our effort as a parish to welcome guests, visitors and newcomers in our midst is led by Carol.


WHS Officer.
Any WHS concerns can be raised with our Warden or our Parish Secretary.



Parish Archives of Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane


Our Archives ministry is led by Nicholas, who has compiled the archival records of our parish.


To view an introduction to our History, please see the Parish History page.


Child Safety.
Our Child Safety Officers, led by Lucy, ensure that our parish is safe, friendly, and formative.


Parish Council.
Elected each year and serving as our Management Committee, our Parish Councillors assist Fr Andrew in the good operation of our parish according to state and ecclesiastical law. For any questions or suggestions for the Parish Council, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Privacy Officer.
Our Secretary serves as our Privacy Officer, ensuring that confidential and sensitive data is kept that way.





Financial Stewardship.
Many of our parishioners give generously to our parish, and we are grateful for each.  For more, please see our Stewardship page.



Coffee Hour at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane

Community Facilitation


Coffee Hour.
After our Sunday Divine Liturgy, and after the Divine Liturgy for many of our Great Feasts, we have Coffee Hour, providing the context for our community to grow closer together.  This ministry is led by Iain.



Men's Prayer Group and Women's Prayer Group.
Men of our parish gather together each month for prayer, food, teaching and community, led by Steven.


Likewise, women of our parish gather together each month for prayer, food, teaching and community, led by Elise.


Moreton Bay Orthodox Outreach.
Holy Annunciation has parishioners who live at a distance from our church.  On the fourth Saturday of the month, Fr Andrew visits our parishioners who live in the Moreton Bay region, featuring the Divine Liturgy, a shared meal, and building local community together.  For more, please see the Moreton Bay Orthodox Outreach page.


Audiovisual Ministry at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane


External Relations


The Audiovisual team is responsible for any photos or videos that are taken in the church building.


This ministry seeks to give back to the broader community.


Online Presence.
We have an active presence online, through our website, Facebook page, Instagram page, YouTube channel, Telegram channel, Discord server, and weekly e-mail newsletter.  This ministry is headed by Matushka Sarah.



Parish Schedule

Bible Study




- BSB: 114-879
- Account: 472595719
- Name: HAOC General Account

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Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church
Woolloongabba, Brisbane
Queensland, Australia

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