
Stewardship is the spiritual discipline of looking at the gifts that God has bestowed upon you, prayerfully considering His bountiful mercy, and returning to God a portion of these gifts in thanksgiving. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ commands us to “lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal” (Matthew 6:20).


This personal sacrifice of material things toward the spiritual has been a fundamental part of the life of the People of God for millenia, as recorded in Genesis and continues to be so today in the New Testament Church. By donating towards the upkeep of the Temple, we give honour to our Creator and we remind ourselves that in truth, nothing in this world belongs to us, but that we are merely custodians of it for a short time until we leave this world.


The gifts that are given are generally in three types:

  • Treasure (financial or material donations),
  • Time, and
  • Talents (and abilities)


Each of these are able to be returned to conduct God’s work and to minister in His Name.


We ask that each parishioner (along with any person who wishes to support our work) considers the gifts that God has given them, and to respond appropriately. Below are some suggestions on how this can occur:




If you are in the financial position to give money to Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, there are four easy ways of doing so:


Electronic Funds Transfer

You are able to set up an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) with your bank account on a regular basis (e.g. weekly or monthly). We find that this is a convenient way for people to ensure that they have cared for our Parish without needing to consciously remember – and without needing to carry cash.

  • BSB: 114-879
  • Account: 472595719
  • Name: HAOC General Account
  • Reference: we suggest Donation [surname].


In Person

You can donate to our Parish via cash or cheque, either at our services or through our Treasurer. Please speak to our Treasurer or any other Parish Councillor after services for details.



Sometimes, there are purchases that our parish needs to undertake, and people sometimes wish to purchase these for the parish as part of their contribution. Please speak to Fr Andrew if you wish to donate in this way.


Projects that we are embarking on this year include:

  • Installing a hall, two lavatories and two classrooms under the church (estimate: up to $100,000)
  • Restoring gravel outside to grass (estimate: $700)
  • Completing the restoration (and replacement) of downstairs palings (estimate: $100)
  • Installing an exhaust cupboard in the altar for the censer (estimate: $300)
  • Chandelier repair or replacement (estimate: $200)


Projects that we hope to embark on:

  • Contributions to our Icon Project (see link for more information).
  • Fixing the brick wall on the driveway (estimate: $2000)
  • Repairing (or replacing) the railings on the ramp (estimate: $250)
  • Upgrade or replacement of the Memorial Table (estimate: $300)


You can also sponsor expenses to help our parish continue functioning:

  • Purchasing wine for use in Communion (~$20/bottle)
  • Purchasing incense for the year (~$100)
  • Purchasing Oil for the year (~$200)
  • Paying for the Parish website (~$50)
  • Travel to Diocesan conferences and events (Total is ~$480)
  • Pay for utilities (~$3750)
  • Insurance bill (~$2000)
  • Supplement the priest’s stipend (to do this, click through to PayPal)
  • Contribute towards choir expenses
  • Contributing to the Priest’s Discretionary Fund (for Evangelism and for Clergy & Parishioner Development)
  • Sponsoring the Flowers
  • Sponsoring Coffee Hour




Time and Talent

At Holy Annunciation, we have areas where we are in need of assistance from people who can contribute either their spare time or their expertise, including:



  • Making prosphora
  • Cleaning up after Coffee Hour
  • Cleaning after services
  • Letterbox drops
  • Lawn Mowing
  • Maintenance of the parish building
  • Editing audio and video files



  • Singing in the choir
  • Woodworking
  • Sewing vestments
  • Graphic Design
  • Applications for Grants
  • Fundraising


Do you have a talent that we haven’t mentioned? We’d love to hear your idea! Please let Fr Andrew know.



Fundraising for Groups and Organisations | Containers for ChangeContainers for Change

Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church is registered with the Containers for Change program. Containers for Change is a recycling program where eligible items (cans, glasses etc) are taken to Refund Locations where a 10 cent refund is given for each item. When you return items to a Refund Location you can donate your 10 cent refund directly to Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church. 


The scheme ID number is: C10771039.

For more information, click here.



Please Note:

As our parish is dedicated to evangelism and holiness, we are not set up for tax deductible donations. 


(NB: it is possible that you might be able to legally offset your pledge against your gross income by salary sacrificing, involving your employer giving a fringe benefit, which reduces taxable income – please speak to your employer and accountant if you wish to enact such an arrangement).


Our practice is to privately pray for all of our known benefactors, and to acknowledge any benefactors in Annual Reports at our AGM.  If you wish to give anonymously, you are able to do so – and, if you let Fr Andrew know, he will also be able to ensure that you are prayed for privately.


We ask that any purchased donation is coordinated with Fr Andrew.


Any benefactor or prospective benefactor is invited to see our strategic plan and budget for the current year.  We are externally audited every year, so you can be assured that your donation goes to where you’ve asked it to.


Thank you in advance for your stewardship of our parish, to the glory of God.  Please keep us in your prayers.


Parish Schedule

Bible Study




- BSB: 114-879
- Account: 472595719
- Name: HAOC General Account

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Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church
Woolloongabba, Brisbane
Queensland, Australia

Copyright © 2020-2024 Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church. All rights reserved.