Resource Page: Confession


Please note that the below information is meant as a resource for parishioners of Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church.



How confession's are heard during Vigil services at HAOC:

Confession's are mostly heard in the Bojko Room. People who are wishing to have confession will line up on the right hand side of the church (i.e. near the bookcase).


Once the person in front of you has finished confession, proceed to the Bojko Room, where the priest will be waiting for you.


The steps to follow for confession are:

  1. Venerate the Gospel book and the cross, then ask for the priest's blessing.
  2. Once you have received his blessing you can start your confession.
  3. When you have finished saying your confession, the priest may offer advice on anything that you have mentioned or ask if there is anything else that you would like to confess.

Once this is done, the priest will put part of his stole over your head and say the Prayers of Absolution; during this, it is best to bow your head before God. Once the prayer is finished, you venerate the Cross and the Gospel book, and then ask for the priest's blessing.



How to prepare for confession:

Spend some time in quiet contemplation remembering the events and your behaviour since your last confession. Usually some things will stand out.

When reflecting on how you have fallen short, you can use one of a few preparations for Confession as a guide:

  • The Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-7;
  • A Brief Confession of St Dmitry of Rostov.
  • NB: these are included in the 'Short Prayer Book - Prayers for Communion' booklet, available at HAOC.

Write down any sins that you have committed, whether in thought, word, or deed.  You may also note the frequency and/or intensity of these sins, as well as any sin that you are particularly struggling with or are in need of guidance about.



Some things to remember about confession:

  • You are confessing your sins to God, the priest is there as God's representative.
  • During your confession you are there to confess before God. This is not an appropriate time to bring up any personal grievance's that you have with your priest.
  • If you feel that there is something like this that you need to discuss with your priest, please arrange a separate time to discuss it.



Helpful Resources:



FAQ for Confession:

Q: When I am able to have confession?

A: During Saturday Vigil services, during Friday Vespers, during the Vigil services for Great Feastdays, or by appointment with Fr Andrew.


Q: Am I able to write a list for confession?

A: Yes - this can make the process easier for you and also helps you to mentally prepare for confession.


Q: When should I prepare?

A: It's usually best to prepare earlier on the day that you plan to have confession.


Q: How often should I confess?

A: As often as your priest advises you to; if you are unsure, please check with your priest. The standard at HAOC is normally fortnightly.


Q: Do you have to fast before confession?

A: No, though you do have to fast before Holy Communion. Please speak to your priest about fasting before you plan to begin fasting.


Q: Do you have to confess your thoughts?

A: Yes - though this is typically done quite broadly (e.g. 'frequent thoughts of vanity').


Q: What impediments mean that you can't have Holy Communion?

A: If by acts, then serious sins; if by words, then very serious. This is best to discuss with your priest during confession.


Q: Do priests also have confession?

A: Yes, priests hear the confessions of other clergy. Confession for clergy is done in much the same way as it is for laity.


If you have questions that aren't addressed here please contact Fr Andrew directly.


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Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church
Woolloongabba, Brisbane
Queensland, Australia

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