Information for our First-time Visitors & Guests
If this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church there may be some new things that you haven't seen in church services before.
The below information aims to give you a quick overview of what it will be like when you attend our services.
Due to 2023 renovations at Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, our services are being held at two Woolloongabba locations.
Wednesday Bible Study, Friday Vespers & Saturday Vigil are held at
St Paul's Antiochian Orthodox Church,
66 Junction Street, Woolloongabba.
Sunday Divine Liturgy is celebrated at
the QRCC Hall,
19 Lotus Street, Woolloongabba.
Please see our services page for detailed information.
Things We Do
Orthodox Christians worship with their whole bodies as well as with words. At times you will see people bow, make the sign of the cross, venerate (kiss) icons, light candles and stand for the majority of the service. If you are new to our church, no one expects you to do these things - please feel free to sit or stand, and to participate to the degree that you are comfortable with.
As a visitor you are most welcome to light candles in front of icons, venerate the icon or gospel book on the centre stand, be anointed with oil at Vigil, or to kiss the Priest's blessing cross & receive blessed bread at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. That said, Holy Communion is only for Orthodox Christians - the people receiving Holy Communion will have prepared themselves with prayer, fasting and a recent Confession.
If you would like to see our services beforehand, you can watch previously live-streamed services here.
(NB: If this Confession has been with someone who is not a priest at our parish: please ensure you have a blessing from your Confessor, and please contact Fr Andrew during the week prior to the service).
What to Wear
Visitors will often ask what they should wear to services. Our goal with the clothing we wear at church services is that these support our prayer, our reverence & respect, and - above all - our worship of God in His House.
Similarly, we would not aim to wear clothes that are distracting others from prayer - due to extravagance or any other reason. You may also see some women wearing head coverings (usually scarves). Women wear these for multiple different reasons, and it is not expected that a visitor would wear a head covering. Men are kindly requested to remove their hats before entering our church.
No photos, please.
We ask that no photos or videos are taken during our services. This helps to contribute to a prayerful atmosphere. We have an AV team that looks after photos and videos taken during the service.
Children in Services
We do not have a separate program for children during our services. We welcome children at our services, and we hold that it is most appropriate and beneficial for children to be in services as much as they are able.
We do have Sunday School that is held after the service from 11-11:30am. The Sunday School is run by Fr Stephen, and it is aimed at children in the Lower Primary age group (around 5-9y.o.).
For more information see:
Speaking with the Priest
During the preparation for our Vigil and Divine Liturgy services, our Priests are typically engaged in Altar duties and are unable to engage in conversation.
We warmly invite you to join us for our Coffee Hour after the service, where our Priests would be delighted to meet and chat with you.
When you enter the church, you may not be greeted right away – this is normal in an Orthodox Church, before the service is a time of preparation.
For Divine Liturgy services, there is a candle desk where someone will be available to assist with any immediate questions. You are warmly invited to join us after the service for our coffee hour.
More Information
If you would like to know more about the services at our church, please see:
And, if you have any other questions, please email us, at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.